NEARLY 300,000 CASES OF LYME DISEASE DIAGNOSED PER YEARThe disease is most commonly seen in rural areas of the Northeast from Virginia to Maine, northern California, and the northern Midwest but can occur almost any where in the US and Canada. About 80% of cases occur in May through July, but can occur in any season except winter. Your local health department can tell you if you live in an area where Lyme disease precautions are indicated.
For more information on this subject or any pediatric topic, visit: www.KidsTravelDoc.com A pediatrician's guide to travel and outdoor recreational activities with archived newsletters on a wide range of topics relating to children. This new preliminary estimate confirms that Lyme disease is a tremendous public health problem in the United States, and clearly highlights the urgent need for prevention.
-Chief of Epidemiology and Surveillance for CDC's Lyme disease program, August 2013